Saturday, February 9, 2013

What is Faith today?

RON ROLHEISER, OMI Speaker, Columnist and Author

Karl Rahner once said that the time is fast approaching when one will either be a mystic or an unbeliever.
He's right. None of us can rely much longer on the fact that we were once given the faith and that we still walk within a community that, seemingly, has some faith. These things are no longer, of themselves, enough to sustain faith in an age which is as agnostic, pluralistic, seductive, and distracting as is our own. In the past, a certain cultural (sometimes, ethnic-based) faith was still very powerful and could carry individuals in a way that is no longer possible today.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Cat at the Puja.- A story

During the Puja
the Master asked the disciples to tie the cat
because it was disturbing the Puja.
So it went on till the Master died. Later the cat also died.
The disciples faithfully brought another cat to tie during the Puja.
They thought that it was an essential part of the Puja.

Now after many years the authorities sent strict directions and rules how to
tie the cat with ritual purity. Color of the cat also had to change according to the seasons.
it was made compulsory to  follow the rules while tying the cat during the Puja.

[ Any similarity with today's reality is accidental not intended]

Tuesday, February 5, 2013